The software does what a HUI-controller can do - so it does what the developer writes. I used it with ProTools X and Logic under Lion (10.7.4) - and it does it far better than i expected (i tried it with a MacBookPro and a MacPro). Even over WiFi it´s quite responsive (MIDI instead of WiFi works even better if you have the additional MIDI-hardware for your iPad).
You can control/move several fades at once, write and change automation (-modes) without any problem. The setup is easy - also because the manual has all information you might need and all explanations are perfect.
For me it´s great for „production while traveling“ instead of some more hardware-controllers - a iPad and a Mac is with me anyway…;-)
Do not expect to edit lots of PlugIns in ProTools because just to reach the parameters you want to edit can be a challenge - but that´s the HUI-protocol and the developers of the „DAW Remote HD“ cannot do anything to improve that (so far as i know).
I hope some day (the sooner the better) Xiao Yixiang can develop a iPad-remote with the Artist-Mix (AVID) protocol (if possible) - i´ll buy it immediately and know lot´s of people who would do as well!
simpliciussimplicissimus about DAW Remote HD, v1.5